Yearbook 43| 2022
Why History Education?
Why History Education?
Roy Weintraub, Nimrod Tal and Eyal Naveh
Denise Bentrovato and Joshua Chakawa
Georg Marschnig
Piotr Podemski
Polina Verbytska
Knysna Motumi, Elize van Eeden and Pieter Warnich
Dennis Röder and Susanne Popp
Giorgos Kokkinos, Eugenia Alexaki, Panayotis Gatsotis and Petros Trantas
Karin Veski and Anu Raudsepp
Alois Ecker
Yearbook 42| 2021
History Education 30 Years after the Cold War / History Education in Africa
History Education and Migration
Barnabas Vajda
Denisa Labischová
Mare Oja
Ágnes Fischer-Dárdai and József Kaposi
History education in Africa
Yvonne M. Kabombwe and Nelly Mwale
Denise Bentrovato
David Mbuthia
Andrea Brait
Book Reviews
Eleni Apostolidou
Hanna-Liis Kaarlõp
Joanna Wojdon
Boitumelo Mooreng
Joshua Chakawa
Yearbook 41| 2020
History Education and Migration
History Education and Migration
Terry Haydn
Alexander Khodnev
Angelos Palikidis and Pinelopi Tsatsouli
Markus Furrer
Joanna Wojdon and Malgorzata Skotnicka-Palka
Heather Sharp, Silvia Edling, Niklas Ammert and Jan Lofstrom
Maserole Christina Kgari-Masondo
Anitha Oforiwah Adu-Boahen
Lukas Greven
József Kaposi
Book Reviews
Snježana Koren
Piotr Puchalski
Barnabas Vajda and Karl Benziger
Luigi Cajani

Yearbook 40| 2019
Historical Thinking
Historical Thinking
Terry Haydn
Jukka Rantala and Najat Ouakrim-Soivio
Marjolein Wilke, Fien Depaepe and Karel Van Nieuwenhuyse
Floor van Alphen and Karel Van Nieuwenhuyse
Georg Marschnig
Laura Triviño-Cabrera
Maria Mavormmati
Csaba Jancsák, Eszter Szonyi and Ágnes Képiró
Cynthia Wallace-Casey
Christian Heuer
Danuta Konieczka-Sliwinska
Book Reviews
Harry Haue
Eleni Apostolidou
Barnabas Vajda

Yearbook 39 | 2018
History Didactics and Public History
Public History and History Education
Barbara Silva
Elias Stouraitis
Karel van Nieuwenhuyse
Denisa Labischová
Joanna Wojdon
Karel van Nieuwenhuyse and Bernd Stienaers
Mare Oja, Grete Rohi and Merike Värs
Anu Raudsepp and Tõnu Tannberg
Stanislaw Roszak
Sara Zamir and Lea Baratz
Wolfgang Hasberg

Yearbook 38 | 2017
History Teacher Education Facing the Challenges of Professional Development in the 21st Century
History Teacher Education Facing the Challenges of Professional Development in the 21st Century
Blažena Gracová and Denisa Labischová
Mare Oja
Monika Vinterek, Debra Donnelly and Robert Thorp
Heather Sharp, Robert Parkes and Debra Donnelly
Eleni Apostolidou and Gloria Solé
Angelos Palikidis, Giorgos Kokkinos, Andreas Andreou and Petros Trantas
Jean Leonard Buhigiro and Johan Wassermann
Sara Zamir and Roni Reingold
Dennis Röder
Robert Thorp and Eleonore Törnqvist
Mario Resch and Manfred Seidenfuß

Yearbook 37 | 2016
Nostalgia in Historical Consciousness and Culture / Developing Creative Interactions of Local, National and Global Topics of History Education
Nostalgia in historical Consciousness and Culture
Elisabeth Erdmann and Arja Virta
Angela Bartie, Linda Fleming, Mark Freeman, Tom Hulme, Paul Readman and Charlotte Tupman
Adele Nye
Penelope Harnett
Patrizia Audenino
Joanna Wojdon
Developing creative Interactions of local, national and global Topics of history Education
Urte Kocka
Mare Oja
Barnabás Vajda
Anu Raudsepp and Karin Veski
Wolfgang Hasberg
Karel Van Nieuwenhuyse

Yearbook 36 | 2015
History and Edutainment
Arja Virta
Susanne Popp, Jutta Schumann and Miriam Hannig
Agnes Fischer-Dàrdai and Krisztina Dezso
Angelos Palikidis
Karl Benziger
Konrad Kochel and Maria Stinia
Piotr Podemski
Urte Kocka
Markus Furrer
Barbara Wagner
Eleni Apostolidou
Karel van Nieuwenhuyse
Elisabeth Erdmann and Wolfgang Hasberg

Yearbook 35 | 2014
Colonialism, Decolonization and Postcolonial Historical Perspectives: Challenges for History Didactics and History Teaching in a Globalizing World
George Wrangham
Terry Haydn
David Lefrançois, Marc-André Éthier and Stéphanie Demers
Katja Gorbahn
Karel van Nieuwenhuyse
Harry Haue
George Kokkinos, Panayotis Kimourtzis, Elli Lemonidou, Aggelos Palikidis, Panayotis Gatsotis, John Papageorgio
Barbara Techmańska
Jan Löfström
Barnabas Vajda
Alexandr Khodnev
Marat Gibatdinov
Susanne Popp and Jutta Schumann
Michael Wobring
Sebastian Barsch
Mare Oja
Anu Raudsepp

Yearbook 34 | 2013
Cultural and Religious Diversity and its Implications for History Education
Arja Virta
Denisa Labischová
Anu Raudsepp & Karin Hiiemaa
Mare Oja
Elisabeth Erdmann
Katja Gorbahn
Helen Ting
Urte Kocka
Edda Sant, Antoni Santisteban & Joan Pagès
Wolfgang Hasberg
Jutta Schumann
Terry Haydn
Robert Thorp
Joanna Wojdon
Aleksey Bushuev

Yearbook 33 | 2012
From Historical Research to School History: Problems, Relations, Challenges
Sebastian Barsch
Arthur Chapman
Zhongjie Meng
Daniel V. Moser-Léchot
Nadine Ritzer
Manfred Seidenfuß & Markus Daumüller
Urte Kocka
Chunmei Gu
Wolfgang Hasberg
Sun Joo Kang
Denisa Labischová
Jan Löfström
Karel Van Nieuwenhuyse
Andreas Wagner
George Wrangham

Yearbook 32 | 2011
Analyzing Textbooks: Methodological Issues
Marie-Christine Baquès
Grzegorz Chomicki
Jonathan Even-Zohar
Agnes Fischer-Dardai & László Kojanitz
Terry Haydn
Anders Holmgren & Daniel Lindmark
Panayotis Kimourtzis, Giorgos Kokkinos, Panayotis Gatsotis
Brigitte Morand
Cristòfol-A. Trepat & Pilar Rivero
Barnabas Vajda
Joanna Wojdon
Marko Demantowsky
Robert Maier
Jutta Schumann & Susanne Popp
Kaat Wils, Andrea Schampaert, Geraldine Clarebout, Hans Cools, Alexander Albicher and Lieven Verschaffel
Peter Lautzas
Valentina Zangrando & Oliver Simmet
Elisabeth Erdmann

Yearbook 31 | 2010
Empirical Researching on History Learning
Arja Virta
Elize Sonja van Eeden
Ismail Hakki Demircioglu
Daniel Lindmark
Alexander S. Khodnev
Bärbel Pauline Kuhn
Giorgos Kokkinos, Elias Athanassiades, Panayotis Kimourtzis, Panagiotis Gatsotis, Petros Trantas
Carlos Kölbl
Sonia Abun-Nasr
Markus Furrer
Wolfgang Hasberg
Nicole Tutiaux-Guillon
Julius Müller, Andreas Wagner
Martin Schmitz
Paul Vandepitte
Bernd Mütter
Harry Haue
Joanna Wojdon
Barbara Kubis

Yearbook 29/30 | 2008/09
History Teaching in the Crossfire of Political Interests
Winfried Schulze
Luigi Cajani
Antonis Liakos
Maria Repoussi
Théodora Cavoura
Bill Leadbetter
Susanne Popp
Marie-Christine Baquès
Oldimar Cardoso
Charles Heimberg
Mari-Carmen Rodriguez
Arja Virta